Recipes for Diabetes / PCOS

There are different forms of diabetes however the main two are called Type 1 (an auto-immune disease – the body cannot produce insulin) and Type 2 (typically a lifestyle disease leading to insulin resistance – another name could be ‘carbohydrate intolerance’).

Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes must inject insulin into a muscle several times a day for their bodies to be able to move glucose out of the blood and into the cells to make fuel.

On the other hand, individuals with Type 2 Diabetes have a reduced ability to use insulin, even though they are producing more than enough.  Recent evidence now suggests individuals with Type 2 Diabetes can improve their glycaemic control, even putting their diabetes into remission, by limiting their carbohydrate intake.  Poorly controlled Type 2 can eventually lead to an individual also requiring insulin injections as they have worn out the pancreas [the organ that produces insulin] to the point it cannot make enough insulin any more.

Often, this means missing out on some of those foods that we love celebrating with, such as cakes and other desserts.  For this reason, I have put together a list of both sweet and savoury recipes that will not only help you regain control of this silent killer, but will allow you to indulge your sweet tooth without spiking your blood sugar levels. 

We are continually adding to our recipe pages so keep coming back for more inspiration




Low-Carb Cherry Ripe Chocolate Bark

Low Carb Creamy Chocolate Slice

Mocha Protein Truffles

Super Yummy Low Carb Protein Shakes 

Gluten Free & Low Carb Cinnamon Twists 

Low Carb Raspberry Protein Pudding Cups

Sugar free & grain free waffles 


Low Carb Turkey Lasagne

Olive Oil Mayonnaise 

Avocado & Sunflower Seed Salad